End Date 12/10/2025
Email beatrice.pezzarossa@cnr.it
Biogenic nano-selenium fortified tomatoes: quality and safety in a green perspective
Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient in many organisms, with antioxidant and anti- senescence effects. In some crops, Se can enhance the nutraceutical properties and delay plant senescence and fruit ripening. The Se4SAFE project investigates the biofortification of tomato fruit for fresh consumption with Se nanoparticles. The research activity focuses on the absorption and accumulation mechanisms of Se, provided to hydroponically grown tomato plants treated with a spray solution. The experiments will be set up under controlled temperature and humidity conditions. The ripening process will be evaluated in fruit harvested at different stages of maturity. The following parameters are assessed: fresh and dry matter production, ethylene production, respiration, color changes, softening, Volatile Organic Compounds profile, antioxidant capacity, mineral elements, non-structural carbohydrates and carotenoid content, chlorophyll degradation.