Dal 22 al 26 di maggio si terrà a Baveno sulle rive del Lago Maggiore la general assembly 2023 del Progetto Europeo Arctic Passion
Potete trovare informazioni sull’evento al link
E in particolare il programma al link
https://events.hifis.net/event/662/timetable/?print=1&view=standard (versione stampabile)
Arctic PASSION is an EU HORIZON 2020 project aiming to co-create and implement of a coherent, integrated Arctic observing system: the ‘Pan-Arctic Observing System of Systems – pan-AOSS’. It aims to overcome known flaws in the present observing system by refining its operability, improving, and extending pan-Arctic scientific and community-based monitoring and the integration with Indigenous and Local knowledge, by streamlining the access and interoperability of Arctic Data systems and services, and by ensuring the economic viability and sustainability of the observing system for years to come.
The pan-AOOS shall allow for the monitoring of ongoing environmental changes, reduce uncertainly in predicting future system changes, support risk assessment, and inform and guide mitigation and adaptation measures, and to support sustainable development in the Arctic and elsewhere.
Informazioni importanti sul progetto alla pagina web