Foto profilo



Type: T.I.

Phone: 055-5225982

Location: Sesto Fiorentino (FI)

Research Lines: Climate Change, Sustainable management, Plant Sciences

Senior Researcher at the National Research Council (CNR) and carries out his research activity at the Institute for Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET) at Sesto Fiorentino. He is chief of Dendrobiology laboratory and he was member of the Institute Committee (2019-2023). He was Associate Professor at the Universitè du Quebec – Canada (2010-2013) and Affiliate Researcher and member of the PhD board in Agrobioscience at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa (2017-2023). He is a CNR supporting scientist at EPSO (European Plant Science Organization). He was CNR delegate in the National Poplar Observatory (2018-2021), President of the Group of Technical Experts (2018-2022) of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF) and CNR member of the technical commission for forest species of the Tuscany Region (2012-2015). He is a member of editorial boards of international journals in the field of forestry sciences and plant physiology and reviewer of projects for some international research institutions and Universities. In the last 10 years he has coordinated 4 National projects and one competitive international project (INTERACT-H2020) focused on the response of tree species to abiotic stress and climate change. He is the national coordinator of the DIVAS Project – PRIN_PNRR_2022 Call (2023-2025) and of Task 4.5.2 of the spoke 4, New Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC-PNRR). He is a member of the Group of Expert Evaluators (GEV 07) at ANVUR (2024-2026) for VQR 2020-2024. He has participated as an expert in LIFE and H2020 projects. He has published to date (July 2024) 81 papers in international journals, with more than 2249 citations, and an H index = 27 (Scopus).



  1. Silvestro R.; Mencuccini M.; García-Valdés R.; Antonucci S.; Arzac A.; Biondi F.; Buttò V.; Camarero J.J.; Campelo F.; Cochard H.; Čufar K.; Cuny H.E.; de Luis M.; Deslauriers A.; Drolet G.; Fonti M.V.; Fonti P.; Giovannelli A.; Gričar J.; Gruber A.; Gryc V.; Guerrieri R.; Güney A.; Guo X.; Huang J.-G.; Jyske T.; Kašpar J.; Kirdyanov A.V.; Klein T.; Lemay A.; Li X.; Liang E.; Lintunen A.; Liu F.; Lombardi F.; Ma Q.; Mäkinen H.; Malik R.A.; Martinez del Castillo E.; Martinez-Vilalta J.; Mayr S.; Morin H.; Nabais C.; Nöjd P.; Oberhuber W.; Olano J.M.; Ouimette A.P.; Paljakka T.V.S.; Peltoniemi M.; Peters R.L.; Ren P.; Prislan P.; Rathgeber C.B.K.; Sala A.; Saracino A.; Saulino L.; Schiestl-Aalto P.; Shishov V.V.; Stokes A.; Sukumar R.; Sylvain J.-D.; Tognetti R.; Treml V.; Urban J.; Vavrčík H.; Vieira J.; von Arx G.; Wang Y.; Yang B.; Zeng Q.; Zhang S.; Ziaco E.; Rossi S.,”Silvestro, Roberto 2024. Nature Communications. 15, 1, 6169.
  2. Zhang Y., Huang J.G., Wang M., Wang W., Deslauriers A., Fonti P., Liang E., Mäkinen H., Oberhuber W., Rathgeber C. B.K., Tognetti R., Treml V., Yang B., Zhai L., Antonucci S., Buttò V., Camarero J., Campelo F., Čufar K., De Luis M., Fajstavr M., Giovannelli A., Gričar J., Gruber A., Gryc V., Güney A., Jyske T., Kašpar J., King G., Krause C., Lemay A., Lombardi F., del Castillo E.M., Morin H., Nabais C., Nöjd, P., Peters R. L., Prislan P., Saracino A., Shishov V.V., Swidrak I., Vavrčík H., Vieira J., Zeng Q., Rossi S. (2024). High preseason temperature variability drives convergence of xylem phenology in the Northern Hemisphere conifers. Current Biology, 34, 1–7. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.01.039.
  3. Francini S., Cocozza C., Hölttä T., Lintunen A., Paljakka T., Chirici G., Traversi M.L., Giovannelli A. 2023. A temporal segmentation approach for dendrometers signal-to-noise discrimination. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210: 107925.
  4. Huang J.-G., Zhang Y., Wang M., Yu X., Deslauriers A., Fonti P., Liang E., Mäkinen H., Oberhuber W., Rathgeber C.B.K., Tognetti R., Treml V., Yang B., Zhai L., Zhang J.-L., Antonucci S., Bergeron Y., Camarero J.J., Campelo F., Čufar K., Cuny H.E., De Luis M., Fajstavr M., Giovannelli A., Gričar J., Gruber A., Gryc V., Güney A., Jyske T., Kašpar J., King G., Krause C., Lemay A., Liu F., Lombardi F., del Castillo E.M., Morin H., Nabais C., Nöjd P., Peters R.L., Prislan P., Saracino A., Shishov V.V., Swidrak I., Vavrčík H., Vieira J., Zeng Q., Liu Y., Rossi S. 2023. A critical thermal transition driving spring phenology of Northern Hemisphere conifers. Global Change Biology 29, 6, 1606-1617
  5. Giovannelli A., S. Mattana, G. Emiliani, M. Anichini, ML. Traversi, FS. Pavone, Cicchi R. 2022. Localized stem heating from the rest to growth phase induces latewood-like cells formation and slower stem radial growth in Norway spruce saplings. Tree Physiology. 42(6), pp. 1149-1163
  6. Huang, J.-G., Campelo, F., Ma, Q., Zhang, Y., Bergeron, Y., Deslauriers, A., Fonti, P., Liang, E., Mäkinen, H., Oberhuber, W., Rathgeber, C.B.K., Tognetti, R., Treml, V., Yang, B., Zhai, L., Zhang, J.-L., Antonucci, S., Camarero, J.J., Čufar, K., Cuny, H.E., de Luis, M., Giovannelli A. et al. 2020. Photoperiod plays a dominant and irreplaceable role in triggering secondary growth resumption. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117: 32865-32867.
  7. Huang, J.-G., Q. Ma, S. Rossi, F. Biondi, A. Deslauriers, P. Fonti, E. Liang, H. Mäkinen, W. Oberhuber, C.B.K., Rathgeber, R. Tognetti, V. Treml, B. Yang, J.-L. Zhang, S. Antonucci, Y. Bergeron, J. Julio Camarero, F. Campelo, K. Cufar, H.E. Cuny, M. de Luis, A. Giovannelli et al. 2020. Photoperiod and temperature as dominant environmental drivers triggering secondary growth resumption in Northern Hemisphere conifers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117: 20645-20652.
  8. Traversari, S., De Carlo, A., Traversi, M.L., Minnocci, A., Francini, A., Sebastiani, L., Giovannelli A. 2020. Osmotic adjustments support growth of poplar cultured cells under high concentrations of carbohydrates. Plant Cell Reports, vol. 39, p. 971-982.
  9. Giovannelli A, Traversi ML, Anichini M, Hoshika Y, Fares S, Paoletti E. 2019. Effect of long-term vs. short-term ambient ozone exposure on radial stem growth, sap flux and xylem morphology of O-3-sensitive poplar trees. Forests, 10(5): 396.
  10. Traversari S, Francini A, Traversi ML, Emiliani G, Sorce C, Sebastiani L, Giovannelli A. 2018. Can sugar metabolism in the cambial region explain the water deficit tolerance in poplar? Journal of Experimental Botany, 69: 4083-4097

Research fields

stress physiology and acclimation response of forest trees under environmental constraints. In my lab, we study the role of compensatory mechanisms occurring in the cambium and xylem involved in the adaptive strategies of forest trees under warming and drought with particular emphasis to the role of non structural carbohydrates in the response of secondary meristems to changing environment. A section of my activity is related to the setting of high resolution analyses of the intrannual stem radial growth in forest trees applied in controlled environments, nursery, field and forests as well as in comparative test sites with clones and provenances.

External participations

2024/2026 – Member of the Expert Group (GEV), area 07, for the Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR 2020- 2024), National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System (ANVUR),


Since 2020 – Appointment as ‘CNR Supporting Scientist’ at the European Plant Science Organization (EPSO). Activities in WP ‘Tree biology and biotechnology’ and ‘Global Plant Research including developing countries’.

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