Type: T.I.
Phone: 06-90672535
Location: Montelibretti (RM)
Research Lines: Biodiversity, Conservation
I am a biologist specializing in the study of biodiversity and the evolution of wildlife, with a particular focus on vertebrates.
Throughout my career, I have developed expertise in genomics, bioinformatics, and geometric morphometrics, participating in both national and international research projects. I have served as a lecturer for the courses in Vertebrate Zoology and Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates at the University of Rome. Since 2017, I have been a Technologist at the National Research Council (CNR) and, since 2021, the Head of the secondary site of the Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET) in Montelibretti.
Currently, I coordinate the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Evolutionary Genomics at CNR-IRET in Montelibretti, where I conduct research on the genomics and epigenomics of various mammalian species.
Selected publications (last 3 year)
Colangelo P, Di Civita M, Bento CM, Franchini P , Meyer A, Orel N, das Neves LCBG, Mulandane FC, Almeida JS, Senczuk G, Pilla F, Sabatelli S (2024). Genome-wide diversity, population structure and signatures of inbreeding in the African buffalo in Mozambique. BMC Ecology and Evolution 24 (1), 29
Sansalone, G., Colangelo P, Castiglia R, Wroe S, Castiglione S, Raia P (2022), Trapped in the morphospace: The relationship between morphological integration and functional performance. Evolution, 76: 2020-2031.
Loy A., Ciucci P., Guidarelli G., Roccotelli E., Colangelo P. (2021). Developmental instability and phenotypic evolution in a small and isolated bear population. Biology Letters, 17 (4): 20200729
Avramo V., Senczuk G., Corti C., Bohme W., Capula M., Castiglia R., Colangelo P. (2021). Evaluating the island effect on phenotypic evolution in the Italian wall lizard, Podarcis siculus (Reptilia: Lacertidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 132(3): 655–665.
Research fields
Evolutionary Biology
Population Genetics
Molecular Phylogeny and Phylogeography
Genomics and Epigenomics
Geometric Morphometrics
External participations
Official Representative of the National Research Council (CNR) at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)