The National Biodiversity Future Center’s €20 million Italian Biodiversity Center (Nbfc) call for proposals to accompany SMEs in industrial and experimental research activities expires on March 14. Created in September 2022, promoted by CNR and funded through PNRR funds, the National Biodiversity Future Center is the perfect example of how innovative technologies and artificial intelligence can help safeguard biodiversity. This is the focus of an article published in Il Sole 24 Ore, in which the words of Carlo Calfapietra, director of IRET and CNR scientific head of the NBFC, are also quoted. “A total budget of 58 million,” he says, ”will be allocated to support SMEs, start-ups and spin-offs and the development of new skills of biodiversity researchers, and to support the innovative activities of public bodies and others engaged in defending protected areas. “The NRP allocation covers our activities until 2026. The hope is that the Center can continue beyond that date,” Calfapietra says.
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