Study and development of remediation strategies based on bio- and phyto-remediation for the La Goccia area

muro con dietro bosco la goccia

Study and development of remediation strategies based on bio- and phyto-remediation for the La Goccia area

Start Date 13/10/2023
End Date 13/10/2026
Contact Person Laura Passatore
Partner Comune di Milano, MM SPA, M3R srl, Terrapreta srl, Università Bicocca, Italia Nostra Centro Forestazione Urbana e Progetto Natura Onlus
Funding Organization PNRR - Sostegno obiettivi PNRR grandi città

The project concerns a contaminated site in the Bovisa district of Milan. The municipality, in concert with MM SPA, is pursuing the goal of transforming a post-industrial contaminated area into a public green space through the application of NbS. The joint research will focus on the phyto- and bio-remediation potential of the plant-microorganism system in the La Goccia area, to evaluate the best strategies for enhancing the natural resilience of the area in question and to properly disseminate the results obtained.

bosco la goccia

bosco la goccia

Photo by Terrapreta.