Start Date 04/07/2024
End Date 31/12/2025
Contact Person Patrizia Brunetti
Partner IIA-CNR
Funding Organization IIA-CNR - "Call4ideas” per progetti nell’ambito del National Biodiversity Future Centre (NBFC)

The use of green infrastructure to mitigate air pollution in urban areas is a globally recognised approach. Nevertheless, doubts remain in the quantification of the effects and in the choice of plants. In fact, the results of the scientific studies conducted so far are ambiguous and not very comparable due to the absence of an unambiguous experimental approach. Furthermore, there is little data on plant resistance in terms of tolerance to different concentrations of atmospheric pollution, although this is an indispensable parameter for this type of strategy to be successful.

The objectives of the project include evaluating, under controlled conditions and in the presence of simulated urban pollution, both the effect on air quality of certain plant species (considering them as overall sink/source systems) and the morpho-physiological and molecular responses of plants to induced stress.

To this end, the following activities will be carried out:

  1. quantification of the removal and emission capacity of specific atmospheric pollutants by plants (IAA-CNR) in particular O3, NOx, CO, CO2, PM (concentration in number and size distribution), NH3, VOC, metals and organic micropollutants (IIA-CNR);
  2. quantification of chlorophyll and pigments, measurements of gas exchange and reflectance on leaves and evaluation of gene expression in plants (IRET-CNR).


The results produced will be useful for filling knowledge gaps that are indispensable for a direct and indirect assessment of the effects of urban reforestation (Activity 1, spoke 6 NBFC) and for increasing the economic sustainability of urban biodiversity (Activity 4).

Institute Project coordinator: Institute on Atmospheric Pollution, IIA-CNR, winner of the ‘Call4ideas’ for projects within the National Biodiversity Future Centre (NBFC) with Provision prot. 0232638/2024 of 04/07/2024.