End Date 31/12/2025
Email patrizia.brunetti@cnr.it
ACTIVITY 1– Biodiversity, Exposome and Urban lifestyle
TASK 1.8_Advanced technologies for monitoring and removing contaminants using Nature-Based Solution.
The activities aims to:
- Identify of model plants able to uptake and tolerate inorganic and organic contaminants such as arsenic (As) and micro and nanoplastics (MNPs) from contaminated matrices.
- Evaluate a study case: Study of the effects of urban air pollution on plants grown hydroponically on a green wall by evaluating gene expression and morpho-physiological response.
The green wall was installed at Villa Leopardi, Via Nomentana (Rome) by the Department of Environmental biology of Sapienza University (DBA-Sapienza) and Institute of Atmospheric pollution Research (IIA-CNR).
Intra-spoke interplay: Task 1.3. Impact of NbS on air quality and citizen exposure.
Inter-spoke interplay: SPOKE 5: in the framework of Villa Leopardi (Roma) Project: a case study on the role of green walls in urban air pollution mitigation; SPOKE 3: in the framework of the project “STUDIES ABOUT THE BIODEGRADABILITY, TOXICITY, BIOACCUMULATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS AND OTHER CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES USED FOR HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS”.
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