NBFC_Spoke 4 – Ecosystem functions, services and solutions

NBFC_Spoke 4 – Ecosystem functions, services and solutions

Start Date 01/09/2022
End Date 31/12/2025
Contact Person Paola Pollegioni, Claudia Mattioni
Email paola.pollegioni@cnr.it
Funding Organization PNRR-NBFC

Spoke 4 – Ecosystem functions, services and solutions.

Task 4.3 – Genetic-molecular and modeling approaches for the development of application tools for the conservation of ecosystems of special value.

Subtask 4.3.1 – Genetic-molecular approaches.

In accordance with the aims of NBFC we (1) estimate the neutral and adaptive variability of forest tree species in the Mediterranean environment, highlight any critical issues (e.g. fragmentation, erosion of gene pool, inbreeding); (2) provide new tools for the medium and long-term management and conservation of endemic species in Italy, through the use of functional genomics data, landscape genomics and predictive models and (3) explore  functional genetic diversity in fostering the adaptive potential of species in vulnerable environments. We selected two endemic forest tree species of conservation and / or management interest, with poor monitoring of genetic diversity and adaptive potential in their range of distribution: Alnus cordata and  Quercus trojana Webb.


Alnus cordata

We collected natural populations of A. cordata in three regions of Southern Italy: Campania, Basilicata and Calabria, for a total of 417 individuals. We genotype all the sampled individuals of A. cordata with neutral microsatellite markers (SSRs) and characterize patterns of genome-wide genetic diversity in a subset of samples by means of a Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) approach. Our objectives are: (i) inferring and mapping the genetic structure of A. cordata populations (ii) estimating intraspecific genetic diversity of the species, (iii) addressing the role of landscape on affecting gene flow between populations, (iv) searching for signatures of local adaptation to different environmental variables of Southern Apennines. We will also examine the extent of putative hybridization of A. cordata with the sympatric species A. glutinosa, and its impact on the genetic diversity and population structure of alder.


Quercus trojana

Quercus trojana is an eastern Mediterranean tree species with a fragmented distribution range, and its westernmost outposts are located in southern Italy. We sampled 23 sites to cover the whole distribution area in Italy. Twelve microsatellites and optimized single-primer enrichment technology (SPET) were used as tools for massive genotyping of Q. trojana trees. We aims to: (i) to estimate the main genetic parameters for evaluating population genetic diversity and divergence, (ii) to detect fragmented areas, (iii) to identify valuable areas and reservoirs of genetic diversity and (iv) to provide guidelines for adequate measures to reestablish gene flow and reduce fragmentation.