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Start Date 12/05/2021
End Date 19/05/2025
Contact Person Gianfranco Peluso
Email gianfranco.peluso@cnr.it

The MICROPOLI project “Micro-nanodispositivi veicolanti polifenoli isolati da scarti della filiera olivicola come nuovi integratori alimentari”, funded by MiSE,  by using nanotechnology, aims to develop and industrialize micro-nanostructured systems capable of increasing the bioavailability of bioactive molecules (such as polyphenols) extracted from agro-industrial waste (e.g., waste produced during the final stages of extra virgin olive oil – EVOO – production).

In recent years, many efforts have been made, with limited success, to develop formulations containing bioactive molecules characterized by high physical and/or chemical instability, susceptibility to enzymatic degradation, unfavorable pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and poor bioavailability.

The objective of the project is the development of new nutraceuticals based on micro-nanodevices carrying bioactive molecules extracted from agro-industrial processing waste. These new formulations will not only be palatable and pleasant for most consumers but, taking advantage of the well-known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of the released bioactive molecules, will also be able to elicit beneficial health effects by preventing non-communicable diseases, including those related to anthropogenic pollution.