trasformazione dei gusci di cozze in farina per le costruzioni


Start Date 02/10/2023
End Date 30/09/2028
Contact Person Grazia Masciandaro
Partner Politecnico di Bari (coordinatore), Port of Piraeus Port, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Vitone Eco srl, Noesis Srl, Simem, Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Meridionale, Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Orientale
Funding Organization Commissione Europea

Il Progect GReen ENgineering solutions: a new LIFE for SEdiments And Shells 101114177 — LIFE22-ENV-IT-LIFE GREENLIFE4SEAS  is a courageous project that stems from the urgent need to find out sustainable solutions for two strong environmental concerns: the fate of 200 million of m3 of sediments, often contaminated, dredged in EU every year and the disposal of 490,000 tons/year of shells, as one of the most impacting EU aquaculture wastes.  GREENLIFE4SEAS will demonstrate the technical feasibility, full safety and commercial viability of breakthrough solutions for in-situ recovery and reuse of dredged sediments and shells, that will be used as secondary raw materials for the realisation of sustainable by-products by means of an optimised mixing technology.  

GREENLIFE4SEAS is carried out by a triple-helix model of Consortium, where synergy among research capitalisation, industrial symbiosis and governmental partners as primary stakeholders is the key to innovation and sustainable growth in a knowledge-based economy.  The project results will epitomise a concrete contribution to improve the EU environmental policy for waste management, circular blue economy and aquaculture.