On Friday, July 12, a workshop entitled “Enhancement of nature-based solutions for sustainable agriculture and ecosystem health” will be held in Rome at the headquarters of the Polish Academy (Vicolo Doria, 2), as part of the “Copernicus dialogues,” a joint initiative between the International Relations Office of the CNR and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome.
The workshop is organized by a number of CNR Institutes (Institute for Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems – CNR-Iret, Institute for Research on Water – CNR-Irsa, Institute for Biological Systems – CNR-Isb), jointly with the direction of the Polish Academy of Rome, and aims to provide an overview of the current cooperation between Italian and Polish scientists in the field of sustainable use of resources, natural solutions for decontamination of water and soil, and production of healthy agricultural products. In addition, the initiative aims to discuss the main thematic lines of common interest, improve mutual networking and strengthen cooperation to address future project initiatives at national and European levels. In particular, ongoing projects will be presented in order to promote broader initiatives, including, for example, joint proposals under Horizon Europe and COST Actions. Part of the event will be devoted to a panel discussion to discuss research results within the European-level perspectives and strategic lines of development of Nature-Based Solutions.
Organized by: Polish Academy of Sciences
Organizational contact person: Massimo Zacchini Cnr-Iret (massimo.zacchini@cnr.it)
Access mode: free entry
Data la limitata capienza della sede dell’Accademia Polacca di Roma, il workshop potrà essere fruito solamente in modalità remota collegandosi senza necessità di registrarsi al link https://l.cnr.it/polishitalianworkshop
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