Plant Nutrition

pomodori verdi

piante in sperimentazione

In the Plant Nutrition laboratory, research is conducted to reduce the use of fertilizers in agriculture and limit the abiotic stresses in plants, thus improving the bioavailability of micro- and macro-nutrients in soil and in soilless cultivation. Specifically, the following are tested: a) the use of amendments derived from the recovery of agro-industrial wastes, according to the principles of the circular economy; b) the production of new bio-stimulants by enriching organic matrices with microorganisms and nitrogen-fixing bacteria; c) biofortification to increase the concentration of essential microelements for human health (e.g. selenium) in the edible parts of food crops, whose consumption has beneficial effects on health. 





Relevant instrumentation

  • Microwave digestor ETHOS 1 Milestone 
  • ICP-OES Agilent 5900 
  • Spectrometer UV-Vis 



Chief Scientific Officer Beatrice Pezzarossa, Francesca Vannucchi
Team Beatrice Pezzarossa, Francesca Vannucchi, Silvia Traversari, Cristina Macci, Eleonora Peruzzi, Serena Doni, Irene Rosellini, Marco Carlo Mascherpa, Andrea Scartazza, Daniela Di Baccio, Davide Manzi
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