
Fotobioreattore tubolare

The photobiology laboratory has considerable experience in the cultivation of photosynthetic microorganisms (microalgae, cyanobacteria and red bacteria) in open and closed culture systems for the production of algal and/or microbial biomass, biofuels (hydrogen) and bioplastics.


Relevant Instrumentation

  • Culture chambers with thermo-illuminated incubators
  • HPLC (ThermoFinnigan-Spectra System 6000 LP)
  • Portable spectrophotometer iris-HI801- Hanna Instruments
  • Photobioreactors (various sizes)
  • LI-COR Reader, LI-250A
  • Oxygraph (YSI 5300A-2, YSI 5215)
  • Outdoor facilities: fully controlled tubular photobioreactor (volume 70 litres) for massive culture of photosynthetic microorganisms outdoors, with appropriate software and controllers for measurement and control of culture parameters



Chief Scientific Officer Eleftherios Touloupakis
Team Isabela Calegari Moia, Raffaella Margherita Zampieri
Contacts E-mail: