Environmental soil physics

foto lab fisica del suolo

foto lab fisica del suolo

The Environmental soil physics Lab focuses on the relationships between soil physical properties and ecosystem functions in natural and anthropic environments, with special attention on the soil-plant-atmosphere system. The lab carries out studies on the structure, water retention capacity and organic carbon fractionation in natural, agricultural, urban soils and other matrices (e.g. growing media, sediments). Specifically, deep investigation is related to soil density, particle size distribution and aggregate stability, total porosity and pore shape and size distribution, as well as soil carbon sequestration capacity of micro and macroaggregates.  




Relevant Instrumentation

  • Laser granulometers (Mastersizer 2000, con unità disperdente e Mastersizer 3000 Hydro EV) 
  • Sandbox (Eijkelkamp 08.01) and pressure plate apparatus (Soil moisture equipment corp – pF 0-15 – Model 1000 – 1500B)   
  • Sonicator (Branson 250) 
  • Tools for soil thin-section production and analysis 
  • Wet sieving apparatus for soil aggregate stability (EijkelKamp Wet sieving apparatus) 



Chief Scientific Officer Eleonora Peruzzi, Francesca Vannucchi
Team Eleonora Peruzzi, Francesca Vannucchi, Roberto Pini, Andrea Scartazza, Manuele Scatena
Contacts E-mail: eleonora.peruzzi@cnr.it, francesca.vannucchi@cnr.it