Morphophysiological aspects of plant development with non-invasive in vivo digital acquisition tools in order to correlate the complex of visible characteristics of vegetation and their modifications with the biochemical and metabolic processes underlying them. The growth of plants in natural or stressed conditions is continuously monitored by means of multi- and hyperspectral images that are processed in real time and provide parameters and indices strictly related to the species, their physiological state and biochemical characteristics, with a direct connection between genotype and phenotype. Applications in various fields of environmental research accelerate the transition towards sustainable ecosystem management systems.
Relevant instrumentation
- MicroScan, small portable digital phenotyping – Phenospex
- TraitFinder (dual PlantEye F600), digital phenotyping workstation on wheels – Phenospex
- Climate growth chamber
- Portable pigment meters – MPM-100, SPAD-502
- Portable fluorimeter – MINI-PAM-II (WALZ)
Chief Scientific Officer | Andrea Scartazza, Daniela Di Baccio |
Team | Andrea Scartazza , Daniela Di Baccio, Silvia Traversari, Francesca Vannucchi, Valerio Lazzeri, Francesca Bretzel |
Contacts | E-mail:, |