Biotechnology and environmental bioresources

strumenti e reagenti sotto cappa chimica


Selection of vegetables to be used as rennets in the production of vegetarian and vegan cheeses.

Some vegetables are sources of enzymes that potentially can be used as vegetables rennet; these extracts have the ability to coagulate milk caseins and have strong lipolytic activities. Other vegetable extracts are studied to produce vegan cheeses. The final aim is to produce cheeses rich in vegetable bioactive molecules.

Isolation and characterization of bioactive molecules from plants with anti-proliferative activity on cancer cells.

After to have isolated some compounds from carrot, Aloe and calendula, showing specific anti-proliferative activity on breast cancer cells, their mechanism of action is under investigation.


Relevant instrumentation

  • FPLC and cromatographic columns



Chief Scientific Officer Luigi Mandrich
Team Emilia Caputo
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