
The Biomass Laboratory is dedicated to the preparation of plant and soil samples for subsequent analyses. It is equipped with tools for grinding and homogenizing samples, including sieves, mortars, and electric mills of various sizes.

The laboratory also features a freeze-dryer and an oven for material drying. The workspace includes laboratory benches, grinding tables, and shelves for the temporary storage of samples being processed. A fume hood is available to ensure safety when handling chemicals and conducting grinding operations that generate dust.

Additionally, the laboratory is equipped with a LINTAB station with a stereoscope for high-precision measurement of tree growth rings and a microtome, which allows for thin and precise cuts for anatomical analyses of plant samples.


Relevant instrumentation

  • LINTAB (Rinntech, Heidelberg, Germany), equipped with a Leica MS5 stereoscope (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany)
  • Sliding microtome (GSL1 microtome, WSL)



Chief Scientific Officer Olga Gavrichkova
Team Stefano Moscatello, Silvia Portarena, Irene Tunno, Luciano Spaccino
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