
cappa chimica

In the biochemistry laboratory, plant samples are prepared for subsequent determination of chemical and/or biochemical parameters, germination tests, molecular biology analysis and pollen extraction. In particular, the following activities are carried out:

  • mineralization of plant material;
  • preparation of plant extracts for the determination of biochemical parameters such as the content of antioxidant molecules (phenols, ascorbate), other molecules (terpenes) and determination of antioxidant enzyme activities;
  • preparation of germination tests under different conditions and with different substrates;
  • preparation of substrates for in vitro cultures and nutrient solutions for hydroponic cultures;
  • extraction of nucleic acids from plant tissues for genetic and gene expression analysis;
  • extraction and concentration of pollen grains from vegetation and sediment samples.


Relevant Instrumentation

  • Mineralizer (Excel-Shangai EU, Microwave Chemistry Technology Co. Ltd, Hong Kong, China)



Chief Scientific Officer María Isabel Nogués González
Team Laura Passatore, Massimo Zacchini, Serena Carloni, Irene Tunno, Davide Marzi, Maria Luisa Antenozio
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