The research infrastructure consists of a series of mesocosms allowing semi-hydroponic plant growth on a pilot scale for phytoremediation studies. It is realized by 18 cylindrical 1-m3 containers (0.785 m2 x 1.3 m) arranged in two rows (NE-SW) with the possibility of growing up to 4 plants per mesocosm. The unit is filled with 500 l of water that saturates two layers containing from bottom to top 0.25 m of gravel (15-30 mm diameter) and 0.75 m of agri-perlite. A 50-liter reservoir continuously collects drainage and releases it by a float-operated pump onto the surface layer of agriperlite through a pipe arranged in a loop and equipped with nebulizers. The circulating solution percolates by gravity evenly through the substrate to the tank in 150 minutes. A 10-liter side tank, equipped with a float and a water flow meter, movable on a rod parallel to the mesocosm, allows the water table level to be fixed and kept constant by restoring the volume of water evapotranspired from the mesocosm. The system can easily switch between single and series modes according to experimental needs.
- Studies on the kinetics of removal processes from water of N, P, heavy metals, water-soluble or slightly hydrophobic organic contaminants;
- Selection of plants for evapotranspirative capacity for hydrological control applications in contaminated soils;
- Model calibration on evapotranspiration and sap flow measurements;
- Phytodepuration studies of wastewater from sewage treatment plants or water contaminated with xenobiotic substances.
Chief Scientific Officer | Fabrizio Pietrini |
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