Greenhouses – Montelibretti

serre di montelibretti

foto serre montelibretti

The infrastructure consists of 2 greenhouses of 16 m² each, built of tempered glass and galvanized steel. They are used for genotype selection, breeding and propagation of plant species useful for research and for setting up experimental studies under semi-controlled conditions. They house two aquatic plant growth tanks and a hydroponics growing system.

The greenhouses are equipped with shade covers, one inside and one outside, made of alumet heat-shielding mesh, each consisting of 2 extendable sheets controlled by electric motor (manual/thermostat).

The openings consist of 2 sliding entrance doors and 2 upper aileron windows, equipped with electric motor for opening control (manual/thermostatic).

Irrigation is provided by a programmable drip system.

Inside each greenhouse are 4 counters on which to place pots containing the plants being tested. A lighting system is placed on one counter to work under controlled radiation conditions.



Chief Scientific Officer Laura Passatore
Funding body/Partner
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