The infrastructure was created as part of the LIFE MODERn (NEC) project, with the aim of detecting the effects of the reduction of pollutant emissions resulting from the adoption of the NEC Directive. The IRET team contributes to improving the monitoring system of the effects of O3 on vegetation and climate change on forest ecosystems in Italy. The infrastructure includes 10 forest sites located in different climate zones, belonging to the international ICP Forests programme and to MOTTLES site network. In order to improve the monitoring of forest health, the infrastructure is equipped with state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation (meteorological station and ozone monitor) that enables continuous hourly data collection. In addition, monitoring is also carried out using the new TreeTalker devices that make the knowledge of these environments for Italy more complete.
Chief Scientific Officer | Elena Marra |
Website | LIFE MODERn (NEC) |
Funding body/Partner | |
Press Office | |
Useful Documents – Media | |
Contacts | Email: |