A colleague, but even more a friend, a person with a kind, sincere, honest and passionate soul. This, and much more, was Angela Augusti, who left us too soon, too quickly. Angela’s life was taken away due to a serious illness, which compromised her health, but not her spirit, in a matter of weeks.
Angela trained at the Federico II University of Naples and Umeå universitet in Plant Biology and Physiology. Since 2011, she has been a part of the large CNR family, which today embraces her passing in a warm embrace. In her career as a researcher, she participated in numerous projects, both national and international, leaving an indelible imprint on the lives that were fortunate enough to meet her, becoming a reference figure for the young researchers, fellows, doctoral students and trainees she guided.
His most prestigious collaborations include visits to Svalbard, near Ny-Ålesund, for research in the Arctic. Also of particular note is his work in DivAirCity, a project designed to recognize, accept and celebrate differences, to transform them into a real value. Also of enormous value is his valuable contribution to the PON Pro-ICOS_Med project, thanks to which several assignees were selected. Among her skills, she did not back down even when it came to performing bureaucratic tasks, which she carried out with great precision.
Born in Campania, in the province of Naples, Angela delighted us with her presence, giving us moments of conviviality, pastries, sweetness and lightheartedness, as well as professionalism and competence.
Angela, your memory will always be alive and present in our hearts. Thank you for every moment.
We embrace the family and hold each other with deep sorrow in this sad time.
Goodbye Angela