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The newspaper Il Sole 24 ore talks about biodiversity and NBFC

The National Biodiversity Future Center’s €20 million Italian Biodiversity Center (Nbfc) call for proposals to accompany SMEs in industrial and experimental research activities expires on March 14. Created in September 2022, promoted by CNR and funded through PNRR funds, the National Biodiversity Future Center is the perfect example of how innovative technologies and artificial intelligence can help safeguard biodiversity. This is the focus of an article published in Il Sole 24 Ore, in which the words of Carlo Calfapietra, director

locandina evento


The S.T.R.E.T.S. (Science Technology Research for Ethical Engagement Translated in Society) project is the name of one of the Italian projects supported by the European Commission for the realization of the European Researchers’ Night. STREETS is a consortium coordinated by the University of Naples “Federico II,” which involves the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli,” the University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale, the University of Naples “L’Orientale,” the University of Salerno, CREO – Rete degli Istituti Campani del CNR and Le Nuvole

gruppo di persone in mezzo agli alberi

Aula Verde: art and science for climate justice

A nature-based solution arising from a blending of art and science. This is the goal of a work, described in the journal Scientific Reports and presented by scientists from the National Research Council’s Institute for Terrestrial Ecosystems Research (CNR-IRET), with artist Andrea Conte. The result was Aula Verde, a land-art work that provides a space for socialization Emphasizing the value of trees and nature while providing a gathering space surrounded by greenery. These are some of the main goals of

A monitoring network to protect biodiversity from anthropogenic atmospheric emissions

Launch of a LIFE Project: IRET to Monitor Forest Ecosystem Disturbances through Leaf Chemistry and Biodiversity Indicators A new LIFE project has been launched, with IRET tasked to monitor disturbances in forest ecosystems using leaf chemistry as an indicator. This method provides insights into the actual nutritional conditions of plants. Alongside this analysis, the Institute aims to test new biodiversity indicators, with a focus on validating their effectiveness, particularly in relation to disturbances caused by air pollution. Current pollutant emission levels in