
Book presentation in Naples

On February 25, 2025, starting at 10:30 AM, the presentation of the book “History, Architecture, Decorative Motifs, and Restorations” by Barbara Bertoli, a researcher at the Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems, Naples branch, will take place in Naples. The event will be held at Villa Doria d’Angri, Via F. Petrarca 80. For more information and the event poster:Invito villa Doria_25.02_presentazione volume Bertoli

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Journey into the world of science: researcher for a day!

From 24 to 28 February 2025, the Rome 1 Research Area of the CNR in Monterotondo (RM) opens its doors to young primary school students for a unique experience! A special opportunity to discover, through interactive workshops and demonstration activities, how scientific research is born and what secrets lie behind some of the most fascinating discoveries. Children will have the opportunity to observe the work of researchers at close quarters, experience it first-hand and, for a day, feel like real scientists! From

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The Nature of Cities published the roundtable about Restoration Law

The roundtable titled “The EU Nature Restoration Law is here. Do we have what it takes to make it work?” was published on January 16 by The Nature of Cities. The event brought together international experts affiliated with research institutions and organizations across Europe to discuss the implementation of the new EU Nature Restoration Law. Participants included Carlo Calfapietra, Director of the Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems of the National Research Council (CNR-IRET), Chiara Baldacchini, from the University of Tuscia

copertina del libro

Drought, scarcity and water crisis – CNR Edizioni presents the book at “Più libri più liberi”, Rome 6 December 2024

The CNR is present with its own stand at Più libri più liberi – National Fair of Small and Medium-sized Publishing, La Nuvola, Rome, 4 – 8 December 2024. Among the various editorial products of Edizioni CNR, the volume “Droughts, scarcity and water crises – The contribution of research to support the definition of the water balance” is presented Edited by Emanuele Romano and Ivan Portoghese. The CNR-IRET participates in the drafting of Chapter 11 “Water uses and sustainable management of resources”. More

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Workshop Agroforestazione, Roma 18 dic. 2024

Agroforestry is the set of agricultural systems that involve the cultivation of perennial tree and/or shrub species, associated with arable land and/or pastures, in the same unit of surface area. It was a very widespread practice in the past that, in recent years, is spreading again in consideration of the greater environmental sustainability of the practices compared to traditional agriculture, in some cases with an increase in income for the farmer. In the National Strategic Plan CAP (PSP) 2023-2027, agroforestry

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Registration open for LifeWatch Italy 2025 conference

We are pleased to announce that the LifeWatch Italy Conference will be held in Rome on January 29 and 30, 2025. The event represents an important opportunity for discussion and updating on issues related to research and technological innovation for the study of biodiversity and ecosystems. Among the planned sessions, one will be dedicated to the identification of research areas to be prioritized in the next strategic plan of LifeWatch Italy and LifeWatch ERIC. In addition, the platforms and services

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Malnisio Science Festival – project LIFE SPAN and Cnr-Iret

From November 22-24, 2024, Malnisio in Friuli-Venezia Giulia will host the Malnisio Science Festival, which aims to be a gathering place and a meeting point for science popularization. A 72-hour window to the future, where to discover science while having fun. A learning experience to stimulate body, mind and soul. This year’s theme, “Humans – Advice for Use,” aims to put humans at the center of the debate on the great technological and scientific transformations that are changing our world. The

disegno esplicativo

“DRONESTRESS, novel approaches to vegetation stress monitoring”, seminar at Iret of Montelibretti

On Nov. 21, the Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Institute (Iret) is holding a seminar titled “DRONESTRESS, novel approaches to vegetation stress monitoring” held by Dr. Pavel Alekseychik (Natural Resources Institute Finland), at the Iret Library in the CNR Research Area of Rome, at 11:30 a.m. The DRONESTRESS project develops new approaches for monitoring vegetation stresses by combining remote-sensing done with drones with other monitoring techniques. The project fills gaps in assessing tree health, forest management, and understanding the impacts of drought and

Ministro Anna Maria Bernini

CNR-IRET in Porano to be visited by Minister of University and Research Anna Maria Bernini

On Wednesday, Nov. 13, Minister of University and Research Anna Maria Bernini visited Villa Paolina, the historic headquarters of the National Research Council’s Institute for Terrestrial Ecosystems Research (CNR-IRET), in Porano, along with local authorities and the organization’s top management. Welcoming the minister were Maria Chiara Carrozza and Giuseppe Colpani, president and director general of CNR, respectively; Laura Pernazza, president of the Province of Terni; and Carlo Calfapietra, director of CNR-IRET. After a treeclimbing demonstration, as part of which the

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NbS Italy Hub Annual Meeting – Palermo, November 20-21, 2024

The first annual meeting of the Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Italy Hub will be held in Palermo on November 20 and 21. The Hub was established last year, under the aegis of the European Commission, involving 17 founding partners including universities and local administrations, with the coordination of the National Research Council. In this first year of activity, the Hub has become a point of reference for the NbS community, both nationally and internationally, as it represents a new vision of