Porano (TR)
Unit manager: Carlo Calfapietra
Address: Via G. Marconi n. 2, 05010 Porano (TR)
Contacts: segreteria@iret.cnr.it, 0763 37491
Porano (TR)
The historic Villa Paolina houses the headquarters of the Institute for Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET), with a total area of approximately 1000 square metres.
The laboratories are all organised according to the instrumental requirements of the Institute’s thematic activities, which are currently structured in thematic areas. The facility houses around 60 staff members, including researchers, technologists, research fellows, PhD students and associates, who are involved in studying, protecting and enhancing the natural resources and biodiversity of the territory, with a view to their sustainable use also in relation to the bio-economy and a circular economy perspective.
Villa Paolina, owned by the Province of Terni, is an emblem of the enhancement of the territory and research activities in the field of sustainability. It is an 18th-century villa enriched with original frescoes and paintings and with a park that is one of the most important in Umbria, an example of historical green architecture that hosts a splendid Italian-style garden as well as architectural works and majestic trees.