Unit manager: Filomena Anna Digilio
Address: Via Pietro Castellino n. 111, 80131 Napoli
Area Territoriale di Ricerca Napoli 1
Contacts: segreteria.napoli@iret.cnr.it, 081 613 2701
The IRET Unit in Naples (600 mq) i located at the interdisciplinary research CNR Campus Naples 1, (AdTR NA1). The Area is equipped with a conference center and three meeting rooms with audio-video systems, to host meetings, dissemination and educational events. The Naples IRET Unit has about 35 staff members, including researchers, technologists, technical/administrative staff, research fellows, PhD students and associates.
The multidisciplinary research topics, mainly focused on the bio-economy and environment also linked to health and well-being are:
- Study of genetic, epigenetic and metabolic effects of anthropogenic pollutants and/or bioactive compounds on both human and ecosystem health;
- Design and development of biocompatible nanostructured systems for innovative applications in biomedicine and for the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems;
- Research in the field of remote sensing and spatial modelling for monitoring the effect of climate change on ecosystems and for biodiversity conservation strategies;
- (Bio)processes and biomolecules for the eco-sustainable development of the agricultural, food, pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical sectors;
- Valorisation of biomass and agro-industrial residues in a circular economy perspective;
Study of the role of urban ecosystems for climate change and air pollutants mitigation; study of the carbon cycle and trace gases;
Study of environmental, architectural and landscape features of the historic city and the anthropized territory.
Biodiversity and Society: communication, education and social impact through innovative approaches.
The research activites are supported by high technology and innovative scientific laboratories. Scientific knowledge and the skills developed are made available not only to the academic community, but also to schools, companies, institutions and society.
One of the Eddy Covariance Towers Research Infrastructure is located in the urban forest of “Real Bosco di Capodimonte”, as a part of Naples IRET Unit.