Euraf2022 – Agroforestry for the green deal transition. Research and innovation towards the sustainable development of agriculture and forestry 16-20 May 2022, Nuoro, Italy We are very glad to announce the 6th European Agroforestry Conference, Euraf2022, which will be held in Nuoro, Italy on May 16-20, 2022. The agroforestry in Europe is one the strategic instruments to map out sustainable trails towards the green transition. A deal of utmost importance for Europe and its role in leading, also at global scale, the fight of climate change, environmental and economic degradation, irresponsible exploitation of natural resources, social exclusion. Environment, policy, cultural and socioeconomic aspects of agroforestry will be the frames through which, policy makers, experts, academics and agroforestry enthusiasts will present and discuss research results, case studies and practices. The debate on agroforestry, hosted in the heart of the Mediterranean, will be fostered by experiences from all Europe and will give rise to new ideas and proposals to be spread and shared globally. Euraf2022 will be a five-day in presence meeting that, from the conference sessions in Nuoro will give the chance to visit different parts of Sardinia: from the Mediterranean agroforestry landscapes in the fascinating inner areas to the astonishing nature drawing the coasts of the Island.
The call for abstracts is now open:
Organized by:
Cnr-Ibe e Cnr-Iret CREA-FL
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa
Conference Coordinator:
Francesca Camilli – Cnr-Ibe
Tel: +39 (0)55 3033711
Press office:
EURAF2022 Organizing Secretariat