Genetic diversity analysis of Sicilian marginal forest species

Genetic diversity analysis of Sicilian marginal forest species

Start Date 01/02/2024
End Date 31/12/2025
Contact Person Claudia Mattioni
Funding Organization Università di Palermo, Regione Sicilia

Sicilian woods, despite representing less than 10% of the regional territory, host one of the richest dendrofloras in Italy and include numerous species of great biogeographical, natural and economic interest.

Often the species are at the southern limit of the range, adapted to different climatic conditions, and therefore with a potential importance for reforestation and conservation in an increasingly alarming scenario of global warming.  We study the intra- and inter-population diversity of different woody species.

We sampled Acer platanoides, very rare in the Etna region, A. monspessulanum, located on the Madonie, A. opalus subsp. obtusatum, present on Etna and Peloritani, and A. pseudoplatanus, present on all the main mountain systems of the island. Other species studied are Alnus glutinosa, Quercus petraea, Fraxinus excelsior, Ostrya carpinifolia, Malus sylvestris, Prunus mahaleb.

The first results indicate in some cases a low genetic diversity of the populations and homogeneous regional gene pools.

These information will be used in management and conservation programs of genetic resources.