lucciole in accoppiamento su foglie


Start Date 01/10/2024
End Date 30/09/2025
Contact Person Emiliano Mori

The LUCE project – Lighting up the Understudied but Charismatic fireflies of Europe – focuses on the study of fireflies, a charismatic but little-studied species, with a special focus on the hotspot area of the Italian peninsula. In Italy, there are about 20 species of fireflies, which are briefly described. Many of them are endemic and confirmation of their specific status through molecular techniques is crucial for conservation. Indeed, the primary objective is to improve access to taxonomic knowledge through DNA barcoding and mentoring of interested young students. LUCE aims to create a link between academic research and the dissemination of scientific information.

Funded through the cascade grant mechanism of Horizon Europe, L.U.C.E. is implemented by a consortium led by CNR-IRET and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. The project includes training activities, data collection and promotion of biodiversity, favouring the involvement of local communities and citizen scientists. With an expected duration of 12 months, LUCE will contribute to improving knowledge of the taxonomy of Italian fireflies and their conservation.