End Date 28/02/2028
Email patrizia.brunetti@cnr.it
Monitoring and detection of biotic and abiotic pollutants by electronics, plants and microorganism based sensors – MOBILES
The development of portable tests or biosensors for monitoring pathogens, Chemicals of Emerging Concern (CECs), and Persistent Mobile Chemicals (PMCs) in air, soil, and water remains a critical unmet need for contamination control and infection prevention. The Mobiles consortium aims to create an interdisciplinary framework for the detection, monitoring, and mitigation of these pollutants to safeguard human and environmental health.
Key objectives include:
- Developing electronic biosensors for detecting organic chemicals (e.g., pesticides, hormones) and antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in in water, soil and air.
- Developing organism-based biosensors (e.g., genetically modified bacteria, plants, and marine diatoms) to detect organic and inorganic pollutants, including arsenic, antibiotics, heavy metals, and bioplastics.
- Evaluating the environmental performance of electronic-and biosensors.
- Performing metagenomic analyses to explore gene clusters of different organisms found in polluted areas.
- Performing safety tests (e.g., EFSA protocols) to assess the ecological impact of the developed organisms.
The biosensors will be implemented by using flexible technologies adaptable to different pollutants and validated for use by consumers, industries, inspection services, and environmental emergency responders. These tools represent a significant advancement in environmental monitoring, ensuring robust detection of pollutants in water, air, and soil.
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