Agroforestry is the set of agricultural systems that involve the cultivation of perennial tree and/or shrub species, associated with arable land and/or pastures, in the same unit of surface area. It was a very widespread practice in the past that, in recent years, is spreading again in consideration of the greater environmental sustainability of the practices compared to traditional agriculture, in some cases with an increase in income for the farmer. In the National Strategic Plan CAP (PSP) 2023-2027, agroforestry systems are included as an investment intervention (SRD05, – Forestry / afforestation plants and agroforestry systems) and as an environmental commitment (SRA28 – Support for the maintenance of forestry / afforestation and agroforestry systems) and only a few Regions have opened calls for these commitments. Many research projects are currently on this topic that offers opportunities to diversify farmers’ income and important environmental benefits, including those related to carbon farming that can be economically valorized in favor of agricultural companies. The conference intends to take stock of Agroforestry in Italy, thanks to the involvement and comparison between Institutions, Public Officials, Researchers and Agricultural Entrepreneurs.
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