From October 18-20, 2024, and with events throughout Campania until December 6, 2024, the XXXVIII edition of Futuro Remoto, with the theme “CO-SCIENCE,” will be held at “Città della Scienza” – Via Coroglio, 57/104 – Naples.
The event is organized by Città della Scienza in Naples, with the support of the Campania Region, the co-organization of the seven Universities of Campania and the collaboration of leading national research centers including the National Research Council.
Futuro Remoto represents a unique opportunity to approach science in an engaging and interactive way. The event targets audiences of all ages to stimulate curiosity, reflection and dialogue. This edition focuses on the crucial role of knowledge, ethics and consciousness in our ability to discern, evaluate and act to meet the challenges of the present and future. In a multifaceted and interconnected world, it is increasingly important to know how to navigate between true and false, order and disorder, right and wrong.
CIn keeping with a well-established tradition, the CNR/IRET section of Naples will also participate in this prestigious event on October 18, 2024, with several researchers from the Institute, offering two separate presentations to the public:
Co-scienze e Biodiversity: a possible pairing. The connections between Environmental CoSciences and Biodiversity will be explored with several Laboratories-Demonstrations titled ”Co-Science and Biodiversity: a Possible Pairing.”
Genetics, Evolution and Biodiversity. It will be explained what biodiversity is, how it is generated and why it is important to preserve it. The proposal falls under the dissemination activities within the PNRR – National Biodiversity Center (NBFC) – Spoke 7 project “Biodiversity and society: communication, education and social impact.” A training course involving students of class IV A of the Liceo Statale “Mazzini” in Naples, to raise awareness of biodiversity issues and make them popularizers to reach the general public with their sympathy and communicative freshness. Valuable friends for scientific research and protecting biodiversity with Co-Scienza!
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