April 22 marks Earth Day, this year in its 54th edition. From the Eur Cloud in Rome for the Rai marathon, a series of events and speeches as part of “Scientists (and) Madmen.” Among the guests was Carlo Calfapietra, director of the Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Institute,and scientific director for the National Biodiversity Center. “We are very proud of Italy’s Biodiversity numbers,” the director recalls, ”It was only natural that the National Biodiversity Center was born in our country, which deals not only with monitoring, but also with the restoration and enhancement of biodiversity. Fundamental is to get the message across that money spent on biodiversity research is not a cost, but an investment. In fact, the scientific community has calculated that for every euro invested, it is possible to have an economic return ranging from 20 to 30 euros.”
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Here is the link to review the first part of the Earth Day events: https://raiplay.it/video/2024/04/OnePeopleOnePlanet—22042024-67838b1c-be40-442e-b033-ad15baa4069d.html