End Date 31/08/2025
Email silvia.portarena@cnr.it
DivAirCity – The power of diversity and social inclusion as a mean for reducing air pollution and achieving green urban nexus in climate neutral cities
DivAirCity seeks to redefine urban development by leveraging human diversity as a resource to shape innovative urban services and models for culturally-driven, green cities. The project focuses on the Urban nexus that combines people, places, peace, economic growth, climate robustness and its impact on Air quality and decarbonization. DivAirCity, through citizen science and creativity will co-design solutions and trace their impact in a transparent and safe way. The project involves 5 EU cities representing replicable case studies: Orvieto, Castellon, Potsdam, Aarhus and Bucharest. DivAirCity aims at creating different solutions: 5 Permanent Living Labs (PLLs), 1 Diversity and Inclusion green city index (DIGCI), 5 Smart Cities Climate contracts (SCCos), 1 Community of Practice (CoP), 5 air pollution mitigation services, and 1 EU protocol for decarbonization diagnosis. The PLLs will implement NBS; the DIGCI aims at assessing diversity and decarbonisation strategies; the SCCos will be delivered by codesigning new business models supported by blockchain technologies; the CoP will include the full urban ecosystem; and the air pollution new services have the ambition to enter in the market. DivAirCity presents a project beyond EU borders with an ambitious international dissemination strategy beyond Europe by the involvement of Belmont Forum CRAs, key international networks and H2020 funded projects.
Former project responsible of the project was Dr. Angela Augusti
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