BeaverFever: evaluating Eurasian beaver habitat suitability to prevent human-wildlife conflict


BeaverFever: evaluating Eurasian beaver habitat suitability to prevent human-wildlife conflict

Start Date 01/03/2025
End Date 28/02/2027
Contact Person Emiliano Mori
Funding Organization Progetto bilaterale CNR (Italy) & PAS (Polonia)

The project aims to assess habitat compatibility for the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) in Poland and Tuscany by integrating GIS analysis and multi-criteria decision-making approaches (MCDA). As a key ecosystem species, the Eurasian beaver is known for its role in creating wetlands that enhance biodiversity and improve water quality. However, the increasing human impact on riparian areas raises issues of conservation and management. Through the integration of Polish colleagues’ expertise in GIS applications and Italian experience on beaver ecology, the project will develop habitat suitability maps, identifying environmental factors such as land use and forest composition. In addition, analyses will be conducted on the impact of the beaver on biodiversity and forests, using innovative methodologies such as monitoring with bioacoustics and environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis. Water samples will be collected and genetically analysed to confirm the presence of beavers, even where at low densities. In parallel, small mammals and meiofauna communities will be studied as bio-indicators.

Another key objective is to understand the social perception of beaver presence through questionnaires distributed in Poland, comparing it with data collected in Italy. The project includes research missions and exchanges between partners to strengthen common skills, disseminate replicable protocols and develop sustainable management strategies that balance conservation and conflicts with human activities. The results will include scientific publications, conferences and practical tools for the integrated management of the species.