Biochemistry and enzymology

campioni di suolo

The biochemistry lab is focused on the determination of soil functional biodiversity using specific enzymatic tests: hydrolitic enzymes, indicators of nutrient cycles (C, N, P e S), and oxidoreductases, indicators of soil metabolic state. A specific focus covers the eco-enzymatic stoichiometry from natural to anthropic contexts, as indicator able to relate the enzymatic activities to the biogeochemical balance through the nutrient availability.

The lab activities are also focused on plant biochemical responses to abiotic stress through the determination of pigments, antioxidant molecules, and cell wall components (lignin and cellulose). 


Relevant instrumentation

  • Infinite F200 pro plate fluorometer, TECAN
  • Qubit 4 fluorometer, Thermo Fisher
  • UV-1900i spectrophotometer, Shimadzu
  • SPAD Chlorophyll meter
  • CCM-300 Multipigment meter



Chief Scientific Officer Serena Doni, Silvia Traversari
Team Daniela Di Baccio, Cristina Macci, Grazia Masciandaro, Eleonora Peruzzi, Andrea Scartazza, Francesca Vannucchi
Contacts E-mail:,