National Biodiversity Future Centre: 14 Researchers to be hired at CNR-IRET during Fall 2022

The Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET) of the National Research Council (CNR) will launch a call for 14 positions of Researcher and Technologist during Fall 2022. The new positions will start in January 2023 in different IRET premises, i.e., Porano (TR), Montelibretti (Rome), Pisa, Florence and Napoli. Each position will have a 3 year duration, and will likely have the opportunity to turn into a permanent position. The subjects cover different topics including Terrestrial and Urban Biodiversity, Forestry, Nature Based Solutions, interactions of Climate Change and Pollution with Ecosystems, Biosphere-Atmosphere interactions, Plant and Animal genetics, Ecosystem Sustainable Management, Ecosystem Modelling and Evolution, Plant and Soil interactions, Environment and Human Health. The annual salary is around 50 k€ including taxes. We are searching for motivated and qualified personnel to create an interdisciplinary team of excellence which will contribute to go beyond the state of the art.

These resources operate within the National Biodiversity Future Centre (NBFC), funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, and coordinated by CNR. NBFC is a unique initiative which will allow the Italian Research Community to lead the field in the near future. Italy is indeed the “hot spot” for biodiversity considering either the huge number of species and endemisms and the expected impacts of climate change. Thus NBFC will allow to train a new generation of scientists for coping with the novel challenges. IRET is the leading institute on the themes of biodiversity, sustainability, environment and climate change and has a significant role within the NBFC.

If you are interested and feel to be qualified for these positions, please send your CV to and you might be contacted by one of the scientists of IRET for a pre-interview.


Carlo Calfapietra

Director of CNR-IRET