Gas exchange

strumento di misura di scambi gassosi

circuiti dello strumento The gas exchange laboratory studies plant-environment interactions, focusing on aspects such as the carbon cycle, VOC emissions, CO2 and H2O exchanges, and plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress. It is equipped with advanced instruments for measuring gas fluxes and proximal remote sensing sensors for non-invasive analyses. These activities provide insights into plant ecophysiological processes and their role in ecosystems under natural and controlled conditions. 


Relevant instrumentation

  • Ionicon PTR-TOF-MS 8000
  • Ionicon PTR-MS
  • LiCOR Portable Photosynthesis System LI-6400XT
  • LiCOR Portable Photosynthesis System LI-6800
  • LiCOR Porometer LI-600



Chief Scientific Officer Emanuele Pallozzi
Team Emanuele Pallozzi, Fabrizio Pietrini, Walter Stefanoni, Anna Di Palma
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