Soil quality and resilience

foto lab qualità suolo

Development of technologies for the protection and recovery of soil ecosystem and  monitoring methodologies. Concerning soil protection and recovery, the laboratory studies the structure, functioning, and productivity of terrestrial ecosystems, focusing on global changes and anthropogenic pressure. Regarding monitoring methodologies, the laboratory combines the study of conventional indicators of agronomic soil fertility (pH, EC, CSC, organic matter, TN, nutrients etc..) with non-conventional indicators of the mineralization and/or humification processes of the organic substance through the application of the gas chromatography pyrolysis technique for the study of its chemical-structural composition.



Relevant instrumentation

  • FlashSmart NC Soil Thermo Fisher Scientific 
  • GC-MS 5977B Inert Plus MSD Turbo EI Bundle – GC 8890 (Agilent) 
  • Pyro TDU (Gerstel) 
  • ICP-OES Agilent 5900 



Chief Scientific Officer Serena Doni, Cristina Macci
Team Grazia Masciandaro, Eleonora Peruzzi, Francesca Vannucchi, Davide Manzi, Silvia Traversari, Beatrice Pezzarossa, Irene Rosellini, Manuele Scatena, Marco Carlo Mascherpa, Francesca Bretzel, Eliana Lanfranca Tassi
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