13.5 M€ project Pro_ICOS Med officially started


In fall 2019 the Infrastructural project Pro_ICOS-Med (Potenziamento della Rete di Osservazione ICOS-Italia nel Mediterraneo) started with the launch of the first tenders. The 13.5 M€ project funded by MIUR is coordinated scientifically by Carlo Calfapietra (CNR-IRET) and financially by Cesarino Nicoletti (CNR-IRET) and involves 7 CNR Institutes (IRET, ISAFOM, IMAA, ISAC, ISMAR, IAS, IRC), ENEA and CREA. Pro-ICOS-Med will allow to considerably upgrade the network of ICOS stations in Italy with a particular focus on Southern Italy in the next 36 months.

PRO_ICOS-Med highlights:

  • Lampedusa station will be the only European station including ecosystem, atmospheric, and ocean component;
  • Potenza station will be equipped with a 100-m tower for atmospheric measurements;
  • Capodimonte station in Naples will be the mostly equipped eddy flux station in urban ecosystems at world level.